Welcome to the home of the Vodou Sorcerer. Here you will find magic, sorcery, and Vodou. I am an former initiate of Houngan Jean Kent. After Jean’s passing I continued to keep the spirit of the house alive continuing to initiate and working for clients.
Perhaps you have come here seeking magic, or maybe it is purely out of curiosity. I ask that you take the time to browse my site and read my blog. There is something for everyone here, and I offer guidance in spiritual development. I am the real deal. I live my life living and breathing Vodou, studying the subtle nature of the lwas and it’s community values. I perform seances with spirits, do exorcisms of evil spirits, I provide spiritual counselling and advice, and even make specialized spiritual products for intermediate and advanced. I also initiate a select few people that have genuine interest and passion. Please take the time to explore my site. Feel free to contact me if you think I may be able to help you. I offer my experience and expertise to you to improve your life. Society always comes first! Respect for the lwas and for each other! My doors are always open and I do not discriminate! Come see what the lwas have in store for you! |
Tarot ReadingTarot readings are available in 1 or 3 question options. Tarot readings can either be performed live via phone or skype. Most prefer an email reading so that they can keep it for their records.
Palm ReadingNecessary for those seeking initiation or various forms of magic. The Palm reading details the Head Spirit and the prominent spirits in the client's court and details remedies and prescriptions for the client.
Catherine Yronwode, Lucky Mojo, Harry Hyatt, Hoodoo, Hoodeaux, Majik, Majika, Mysicism, Voodoo, Voudoun, Vudu, Vodu, Magick, Magicke, Majick, New Age, Wizardry, Wizards, Wizard, Shaman, Shamanism, Shamanistic, Spells, The Craft, Warlock, Demons, Angels, Incant, Incantations, Bewitched, Witchcraft, Witchery, Witches, Spellcraft, Sprites, Spriggans, Gnomes, Undines, Aethyr, Salamanders, Sylphs, Djinns, Genies, Djinnis, Djinni, Mystical, Magical, Fey, Fay, Fae, Faerie, Ferie, Fairy, Fairies, Witchdoctor, Obeah, Obi, Candomble, Macumba, Kimbanda, Quimbanda, Santeria, de Regla Ocha, Palo, Palo Monte, Palo Mayombe, Spirits, Spiritism, Spiritualist, mythology, Spellcasters, Runes, Gods, Goetia, Grimoires, Grimoirium Verum, Le Dragon Rouge, Grand Grimoire, True Grimoire, Greater Key of Solomon, Lesser Key of Solomon, Theurgia-Goetia, Paluline Art, Almadel, Arbatel, Sorcery, Sorcerers, Sorceries, Metaphysics, Metaphysical, Chaos, Gnosis, Avatars, Invocations, Evocations, Summonings, Mediums, Mediumship, Astaroth, Bael, Baal, Surgat, Nebiros, Lucifer, Satan, Lucifuge Rofocal, Focalor, Franz Bardon, Don Michael Kraig, Jon Michael Greer, Ted Andrews, Starhawk, Tyagi Nagasiva, Pacts, Archons, Saints, Llewellyn, animism, Occult, Magical, Devas, Findhorn, Herbology, Rootwork, Conjure, Conjuring, Limpia, Brujo, Bruja, Brujeria, Summoning, Seance, Ouija Boards, Tarot, Divinations, Sortilege, Animal Sacrifice, Human Sacrifice, Asmoday, Asmodeus, Legion, Familiar Spirits, Llewellyn, Weiser, Religion, Aztecs, Celts, Celtic, Vikings, Norse, Odin, Odhinn, Thor, Sif, Baldur, Loki, Set, Osiris, Isis, Horus, Golden Dawn, OTO, Ordo Templi Orientis, Michael Bertiaux, OTOA, Voudoun Gnostic Workbook, Zeus, Hermes, Hecate, Hekate, Selene, Diana, Artemis, Mars, Jupiter, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Lunar, Lunar Mansions, Talismans, Amulets, Wangas, Ouangas, Toby, Trick, Nation Sack, Robert Pelton, Rampart Street Voodoo Temple, Mambo, Houngan, Priest, Priestess, High Priest, High Priestess, Imhotep, Egypt, Virgil of Naples, Elleugua, Oya, Chango, Ochosi, Ifa, Obatala, Yemaya, Exu, Exu-Rei, Exu Tranca Ruas, Exu de Capra Preta, the Bell Witch, Legba, Papa Legba, Papa La Bas, Erzulie, Dantor, Freda, Frieda, Ogou, Ogou-Ferraile, Veves, Firmas, Bossou, Baka, Bacalou Baka, Djab, Ancestors, Simbi, High John the Conqueror, Skeleton Key, Kouzen, Zaka, Baron, Baron Samedi, Baron LaCroix, Baron Cimitiere, Baron Geude, Baron Mazaca, Goofer, Graveyard, Cemetery, Necromancy, Death, Graves, Crossroads, Gallows, Skulls, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Astrology, Renaissance, Medieval, Latin, Enoch, Enochian, Lon Milo DuQuette, Dorothy Morrison, Scott Cunningham, Cartomancy, Servitors, William G. Gray, Aleister Crowley, Israel Regardie, Paul Foster Case, BOTA, Dion Fortune, Violet Firth, Benjamin Rowe, Society of Inner Light, Rasputin, Alex Sanders, Gerald Gardner, Wicca, Wicce, Witcha, Wikka, Gardnerians, Alexandrians, George Pickingill, Margaret Murray, Goat Foot Gods, Horned One, Hercules, Guild of Sorcery, IGOS, BOTNL, Thor Templar, Herbalism, Mystical, Magickal, Austin Osman Spare, A. O. Spare, St Gerard, Welz, Magitech, Wishing machine, 3 dial black box, Black Box, Armenan, orgone, chi generator, orgonetech, klark kent, RAD 1000, Daemons, Diemons, Priestess, Priests, Church, Catholic, Exorcism, wizardforums, saints, Aaron Leitch, Holy Guardian Angel, HGA, Leonard ELmera